Mohammed Muttaqin
Full Stack Developer from Bangladesh I am a motivated and versatile developer, eager to embrace new challenges and continuously expand my skills. With a passion for learning, I am committed to delivering high-quality results in every project. My positive attitude and growth mindset drive me to make meaningful contributions and push for excellence in all I do.
My skills
Here are some of my skills on which I have been working on for the past 2 years.
My projects
Here are some of my projects, including contributions to open source projects on GitHub.
Cipherconvo is a MERN stack end to end encrypted chat application. This app is fully secured.
E-commarce website
This is a E-commarce shop website. You can find all the common E-commarce site features implemented here.
Social media site
This is a social media site. You can create posts and add your comments in posts. You can send friend requests.
CSE fundamentals with Phitron
This course offers two tracks: Xettabytes Problem Solvers Club (XPSC) and Software Development Track (SDT). In the XPSC track, I learned advanced data structures and algorithms and solved problems from various coding platforms such as Codeforces and Codechef. In the SDT track, I studied MySQL, OOP, Python, and Django, completing several backend projects.